Monday, August 01, 2005

Well... we are back in Sydney and it is really really cold!
I feel a bit depressed having been back and having to go staight back to Uni. But what can you do. I just thank the gods that I'm not still doing the 6 hours a day the hell-frozen-over room that was my marketing and Chinese Room at NUS.

I feel that I have to add an explaination to this post about the two photos posted by Emi-lou. We had just finished all the assesable work for our trip and were in the need for a bit of a wind-down. Luckly we had some of the greatest TA's in the world and they were willing to show us some of the wild night life in Singapore.

The bar that we ended up at was called CU- as in Cyote Ugly... and yes we are dancing on the bar. I know that I tell everyone that I don't dance- but I thought to myself that it was the last night in Singapore and it was time to let my inhibitions fall to the floor. Little did I know that there was a camera in the hands of one of the dastardly Aussie students ready to pounce on us with a Kodak moment.

Well.. that is about it for me, the details will only be let out of the jar with much drinks and a lot of pursuading. All I can say is that I had fun and I wish I was back!


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